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A thousand deaths empower me...


Saturday, February 24

Idle Time

...leads the mind astray
to unread poems,
chance encounters,
and dark, dizzying nights.

...lures the senses closer
to stolen glances,
suppressed smiles,
and soft, lingering scents.

..clutches the heart in a struggle
of wondering if I asked too much or too little,
of thinking if I forgived too soon or too late,
of doubting if I would ever know the difference.

...locks me into an endless cycle
of deception and loneliness,
of conciliation and surrender.

...and tempts me into the danger of an embrace
from which I can never break away.
posted on 11:33:00 PM


Friday, February 2

The Ancient Tarot Test

Dahil excited na ako sa Psychic Festival sa Eastwood ngayong February! :D

My previous test results are here.

And now, the results of my test today. (Not bad!)

The Present

The Hanged Man represents the primary influence on the current state of your life. Right now, in your present, you're in a phase of contemplation. Faced with the opportunity to let go and accept the next stage in your life, you likely feel open to making new sacrifices in order to achieve enlightenment. Getting this card in this position may be a sign that you're ready to leave the past and move on to your future. Beware of letting selfishness get in the way of warranted sacrifice. Instead, welcome these new forces into your life.

The Hanged Man is card thirteen, representing self-sacrifice and letting go. Rather than dangling by his neck, this Hanged Man is being held by a T-cross of living wood. His position is more like a restful yoga pose, as he meditates and waits for the universe to lead the way. The red, blue, and yellowish white of the card symbolize his passion, contemplation, and spiritual vitality, respectively. This card is about the contemplation of self-sacrifice for the greater good. The Hanged Man surrenders to a higher wisdom for the potential of personal growth. He is open to possibility and tolerant of all ideas and philosophies.

There are a number of ways this card could be playing out right now. Some possibilities include:

* You may need to make a sacrifice in your love life in order to move forward and grow in this area. This could mean ending a relationship, compromising, or relinquishing an old grudge.
* You may be considering making a financial sacrifice, such as taking a lower-paying job or dipping into your savings, in order to make needed changes in your life.
* In the areas of health and well-being, you may need to let go of past emotional or physical wounds in order to move forward in the healing process.

The Past

The Wheel of Fortune exerted a significant impact on your past. This means that at some point in your past, you may have gotten a lucky break that you weren't expecting. This may have been evidence of beginner's luck, or simply lady luck was smiling on you. Your response to your good fortune, and the reactions it elicited from others, brought you to the point you're at today.

Eleventh in the Major Arcana, The Wheel of Fortune is the card of chance. This wheel is always turning, just like life. In each corner of the card there is a creature that represents one of the four fixed Zodiac signs: the angel represents Aquarius, the eagle signifies Scorpio, the bull symbolizes Taurus, and the lion signifies Leo. The purpose of these creatures is to remind you that while your daily life is ever-changing, your spiritual truths are not. Life is about ebb and flow, and this card is a sign of lucky times. When the Wheel of Fortune is with you, nothing can stop you from getting what you want in life. Good fortune — in some area of life — may be yours.

This card may have affected the overall tenor of your life, or just a particular area. Following are a few possibilities for how you experienced these influences in your past:

* Your family may have experienced a period of good fortune or relative comfort.
* In your social life, you may have met many great friends all at once, or enjoyed an unusually rich group of social connections.
* You may have been particularly lucky in love, finding the person of your dreams or getting to date a variety of interesting people.

The Future

Your future, as it currently stands, is represented by the third card you chose. The World is the card of self-actualization. You're on the cusp of ultimate self-actualization. Once you reach the completion of your karmic lessons, you'll have all the talents and skills you need to move forward in the manner you genuinely desire. Upon this actualization, avoid stagnation. Finishing what you've started will allow you to reap the rewards of your hard work.

The World is the final card in the Major Arcana, and is about the attainment of self-actualization. In this card, a woman holds in one hand a wand of involution, which represents the act of integrating life lessons into your understanding of the world. In the other hand she holds the wand of evolution, giving you the power to connect all of the lessons you previously learned. The wreath encircling her symbolizes the universality of all people. The World is a sign that your karmic lessons are complete, bringing you liberation. With this card, you understand the meaning of all of life's lessons, and you're free to move ahead however you wish, in possession of all the talents you'll need for ultimate success.

More than any other step of life's journey, this card represents the lessons you must learn and the experiences in store for you in your upcoming karmic destiny. This may impact you in any number of ways, including:

* A truly fulfilling romantic relationship that brings out the best in both of you.
* Meaningful work that allows you to fully use your greatest skills.
* An opportunity to forge new bonds with family members and develop a more rewarding relationship, using all of the life lessons you've learned along your life path.
posted on 8:45:00 PM


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