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A thousand deaths empower me...


Saturday, July 15

Random Thoughts 026

posted on 11:26:00 AM


Saturday, July 8

Food Trip :)

You are White Chocolate

You have a strong feminine side with a good bit of innocence thrown in.

Whether your girlish ways are an act or not, men like to take care of you.

You are an understated beauty, and your power is often underestimated!

What Kind of Chocolate Are You?

You Are 7 Up

Understated and subtle, people warm up to you slowly.
But once they're hooked, they can't imagine going back to anyone else!

Your best soda match: Diet Coke
Stay away from: Mountain Dew

What Kind of Soda Are You?

You Are Japanese Food

Strange yet delicious.

Contrary to popular belief, you're not always eaten raw.

What Kind of Food Are You?

You Are a Sprinkled Donut

Flamboyant and flashy, you're easily distracted by shiny things.

You're definitely a snazzy number, and you usually catch everyone's eye in the room.

And you've got the goods to back it up your colorful image.

(Though too much of you gives people a stomach ache!)

What Donut Are You?

You Are Strawberry Ice Cream

A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core.

You often find yourself on the outside looking in.

Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works.

You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream.

What Flavor Ice Cream Are You?
posted on 2:18:00 PM


Saturday, July 1

I've been tagged! :p

Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write 8 facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

Daene tagged me, giving me a wonderful excuse to do something about my "almost-dead" blog. :)

1. I love to sing--when I'm alone. :P Old songs, boy band songs, OPM, kanta sa commerical, simbahan...or whatever. Pero bakit nga ba kasi wala akong talent??

2. I am a flipflops person, haha. I don't really enjoy wearing heels or any kind of footwear which only result to sore, dead feet.

3. Deep down inside, I'm really just a probinsyana girl with simple dreams and mababaw kaligayahans.

4. Sometimes I can speak good English, but most of the time I am bad English. Are you understand? Haha, mas masaya lang. Nosebleed galore.

5. Ayoko ng chicken na lasang chicken... Example is tinola and chicken adobo.

6. I am NBSB. And I rarely see it as a bad thing. :P

7. I'm indecisive. I always have a hard time making a choice, whether it concerns food, clothes, people, life--you name it. That's why I feel good about myself when I realize I have a strong dislike about something. Reminds me that I still have a personality, haha. :P

8. I am not a morning person. Oversleeping is my talent. :)

I tag:
posted on 9:47:00 AM


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