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A thousand deaths empower me...


Friday, December 9


Congratulate me, people! I've finally watched Harry Potter GOF!!! That's one off my looooong list of must-see movies, hahaha.

It's school holiday (Feast of the Immaculate Conception) and I just couldn't pass up the chance to go out and have some fun. Even if it meant that I had to go all alone... :P People may be busy with other stuff, but that won't stop me from watching Harry Potter! Nanganganib na kasi na mawala na sa sinehan, kawawa naman ako.

<< telebabad with chreestyn which of course, involved interesting, profound, out-of-this-world, senseless, wishful and nostalgic stuff >>

Anyway, naghalungkat ako ng mga old files dito sa computer, and I found some really interesting things! Such as this!

Now I remember where I got some of the lines I still use in my theo, philo, or whatever papers today. Hehe, anyway andaming *dot dot dot* 'no?

Fast forward to present day...

As my theo teacher often says, "My gosh!" Does time really go by faster at this age? Do people really zoom past their teenage-to-young-adult years? I am torn--the thought of independent adult life both excites and frightens me. Ugh.

*lost in thought* Now more than ever, it doesn't make any sense to dream of you anymore. And yet I still do. But no, not still do... because it's happening just now. Why? I have no idea. There must be something wrong with me. Another RH day?! *wakes up*

My thoughts are scattered all over the place. Mabuti pang matulog na. Got to do our wyu homework tomorrow morning!


Our beloved President, Brother Rafael Donato, FSC, our distinguished principal, Miss Norma Blanco, our guest speaker, Honorable Fernando Manguera, our registrar, Ms. Daisy Cuevas, parents, teachers, fellow graduates and guests, a blessed afternoon to all of you.

Graduation day… honestly, I do not know if I possess the power of words to capture the intensity of this moment -- and its impact on our young lives. Through all our years of studying, we had this day envisioned in our minds… the day we would march across the stage… the day that we would receive the diplomas we have worked so hard for… the day that would end our highschool years.

Time has indeed gone by so fast… and much has changed in the four years we have made De La Salle Lipa / part of our lives. The freshmen who stepped onto Lasallian soil for the first time four years ago/ and the seniors I see before me today / are different – much different. I can say so because I know for a fact that it is in highschool that we encounter the most profound life-changing experiences. It is here that we go through an exciting journey of self-discovery, where we surprise ourselves about the new things we find within us… here, where we meet the people we will cherish for a lifetime… friends, classmates, and even the nameless faces we have become familiar with… It is here that we experience the spirit of unity… the sense of belonging… here, where the memories of the laughter, tears, smiles and sighs we share / have made us into who we are right now. It is here that we have discovered ourselves, made the best of friends, shared the greatest memories, and grown into better individuals. And that it is hard to let go… and that is why it is hard to leave.

I wish that I could say that I have no fear in my heart… that I am not troubled with the parting that is peeking at the horizon… But I cannot… for I am greatly fearful to say farewell… because I am about to part ways with the people who now have a special place in my heart. These are the people / who / just by trying to live their lives the best way they can, have changed mine. Among these people are our teachers… In our stay here, we have encountered teachers who have pushed us to do our best and drove us to reach for the higher goals… teachers who have become our fathers and mothers in school by giving us their loving guidance… teachers who simply shared with us their time… to teach our minds, touch our hearts, and transform our lives.

Likewise, who can deny that we would hate to part with our classmates and friends? The faces that we always found comfort in seeing… the people who have intertwined their lives with ours… There are / our bestfriends, with whom we spend every minute of every day, and have been there for us through thick and thin… There are / our classmates, who have made each moment together a memorable one, and made us feel that we belonged / that we mattered…

And in the duration of our stay in La Salle, we have met extraordinary people who played meaningful parts in our lives / and continue to inspire us even in their absence… It is in these people that we found acceptance, sincerity, openness, strength, loyalty, and love. Definitely, we would not be who we are now if not for them. I / would not be who I am now if not for you… And I would be eternally grateful that is with you that I have shared some of the greatest moments of my life.

And in behalf of my fellow graduates, I would like to thank our parents for their unfailing support to us. It may not always show, but we do love you very much and we couldn’t have gone this far without you. Once more, we couldn’t have gone this far without you. Kung wala kayo, wala kami…

The last four years had been very meaningful for all of us, yes. But we must look back and remember farther beyond / that span of time… We need to look back not only four years, but forty years… We must celebrate the forty glorious years that our beloved institution had been molding our youth into excellent Lasallian Christian Filipinos. Today, we are rejoicing, not only for the triumph of this year’s graduating students, but for the victory of all the people who have worked hard to make De La Salle Lipa into what it is right now.

We are much privileged to be given the honor of being the Ruby Batch… and the hopes and dreams you bestowed upon our hands will not go to waste. We will live up to the challenge of being the Ruby Batch… and we will not fail.

We recognize our Lasallian roots and are proud of its rich history, and we will always keep close to our hearts the memories of the past… but our eyes are set on the future. Though we know we are crossing over to a coast unexplored, and that the journey we have to take to get there is not easy, we believe that we can look forward to a great future… In the days, months, and years to come, we will meet more of life’s challenges, where it doesn’t matter if we win or lose, but that we grow stronger as we face and overcome them… There is so much that we still have to learn, so much of the world to see, so much of a life to live. And so, I fervently hope that this day, we will all learn to live and love every moment of each day, because life is precious… and we have to make the most of it.

I told you a while ago that I was fearful of saying farewell and going our own separate ways. I still am… but it is not a fear without hope… nor is it a fear without faith. Because I believe that there’s something great in store for all of us. I have hope … that we’ll be okay. I have faith… that the Lord Almighty will be always with us… then no doubt …it will be great.

Congratulations, and thank you.
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Daydreaming, laughing, eating, cramming, and relentlessly imposing my presence all over Faura. Struggling with C, Leithold and Socrates through countless sleepless nights. Rushing to class, to OJT work, to CompSAt meetings, to basketball games, and to buses bound for Lipa. See, I’m just a typical CS student who never expected that four years could go by so fast when all I really did was try to do both nothing and everything at the same time.

Now I can’t help but wonder how the days that had gone by so quickly could have given me some of the best things in life: the enduring love and support of family and friends who inspire me to do my best; a unique brand of friendship that can sometimes be amusing, infuriating, and comforting, but is always strong; the chance to serve an organization for two great years; the priceless gift of education; and the unfailing grace of God.

For these and much more, I will always be thankful. Sou desu!
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posted on 12:47:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

pwes! i-ignore lalo! =P

sino ngayon ang nagrereminisce? sino ang nagpapaiyak?

Thesis naman! Help shimasu!  

Blogger vanyei said...

nag-papaiyak ba yun?!

thesis will ruin the three years of friendship i supposedly have with lolo zippy... hahaha! may limbo syndrome yata ang batang yun e!  

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