* During the past few days, it seems like Patty and I exchanged souls. She's the one who's always hungry and always going out. I'm the one lacking the appetite and the energy to go out with the Voltes team.
* I am tired of facing the computer day after day, night after night. I want variety in my life, but I ain't got the energy to seek it out.
* Doc Tagle surprisingly stayed awhile after class to chitchat about Broadway plays. He definitely has seen a lot of plays all over the world. London, Singapore, Melbourne...
* I hate my printer. Letting me down in a most crucial time.
* Hyperterminal + Philip + Vannie = a chaotic and tiresome chat experience
* I'll probably write about Central Station for my final paper in Com111. It's interesting, and I think I remember quite enough cinematic details to be able to produce a paper to give justice to it.
* Have to cram for my service hours and the guidance interview. Only a week left! Yikes!
* I need a GAL PAL.
* AMS Seniors' Farewell Party. To go or not to go? Hassle kasi mag-semiformal.
* I've never quite felt at home sa ASG Room. Well, sa AMS in general. Yeah, it's fun from time to time, but...
* It's so hot and humid these days. SUMMER kung summer. Hell. Makes me sleepy.
* Why, oh why can't I sing? :P
posted on 9:45:00 PM
Gal pal? Nah, you have the Voltes team. We're all you need, LOL. ^_^'